About you
How counselling and psychotherapy can help you ...
People of all ages and backgrounds come to counselling or psychotherapy for help with a wide range of issues, including:
STRESS: Coping with the demands of modern lifestyles; becoming more resilient.
ANXIETY: Confusing, unhelpful and destructive, negative thinking patterns. Feeling anxious, frightened or panic.
DEPRESSION: A general sense of dissatisfaction with life. Feeling low, emotionally exhausted, broken and unable to cope.
LOSS and GRIEF: Coming to terms with losing someone or something that was important to you – a bereavement, the loss of a relationship, a pet, redundancy…
RELATIONSHIPS: Difficulties in finding or sustaining a healthy, satisfying relationship. Breaking negative patterns of behaviour. Dealing with separation, divorce and loneliness. Family issues.
LOW SELF-ESTEEM. Self-sabotage and repeating, self-limiting behaviours. Always putting others needs before your own. Difficulties in setting and maintaining your boundaries. Difficulties in asserting yourself.
LACKING CONFIDENCE: Holding back and feeling overlooked. Not realising your true potential. Letting opportunities pass you by.
LIFE TRANSITIONS: Leaving home or children leaving home. ‘Quarter and mid-life crisis’. New relationships, career change, retirement, ageing.
PERSONAL IDENTITY: Confusion or doubts about personal identity and life purpose; Are you on the right path? Who are you? Where you are going? What do you stand for?
WORK-RELATED ISSUES: Stress and burnout, difficult interpersonal relationships, dealing with office politics, bullying and harassment. Work-life balance. Career development.
SELF IMPROVEMENT / PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Perhaps there isn’t a specific issue or challenge that you face. You just want to become more effective – stop procrastinating, develop emotional intelligence; manage yourself and others better and learn to thrive in a stressful environment. Ultimately, discovering and releasing your true potential.